Thursday, 29 November 2012

I've always been zealous over internet free speech since my PC was rooted (i.e. "hacked") a few years ago, and the entire hard disk contents were deleted. Evidenced from the bash shell history, where I found the Unix 'rm' command that had been issued remotely to perform the recursive deletion.

Other commands were found in that shell history. Presumably the history is retained temporarily in dynamic memory which is how it survived the hacking attack. Those other stored commands revealed that the hacking crime had been run through a privately-owned PC in Romania. Although the crime itself was commissioned in the United Kingdom. (It is understood, by an operative at Imperial College, London)

It is commonplace for Her Majesty's intelligence apparatus to hack a third party computer to use as a proxy.

The deceitfully laid false flag audit trail is used to disguise the geographic location of the true perpetrators (in this case, London). All too typical, and showing total disregard for the security of others by these Rogue British intelligence agencies. But should we expect any more from a bunch of prostitution gangsters, blackmailers, money-launderers, terrorist bombers, child kidnappers, drug traffickers, and mass murderers?

My PC was hacked on the outbreak of the phony "War on Terror". It was being used to publicly question why no one from the "Arab World" was using British internet newsgroups to condemn the unfolding tyranny. A fairly obvious question. Why wasn't/isn't the "Middle East" fighting back in an internet battle of words with the war-mongering Anglo-American establishment?

The simple answer is that their words of disgust (and those of Western anti-war campaigners) were being airbrushed from our sensitive gaze, using an extension to the NNTP internet protocol known as "NoCeM" which means "No See Them".

NoCeM was/is a technical tool for political censorship, performed under the guise of an anti-spam measure. I made that observation and, shortly afterwards, my computer was hacked into in an act of criminal malice, and all the contents of the hard disk were illegally deleted.

A written apology (from GCHQ?), the formal identification of the perpetrators, and financial compensation are still awaited.

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