Thursday, 29 November 2012

In my case and no doubt many others, the "adoptions" from Smyly's Homes were totally illegal. We were just sold. No legal formalities. No family court cases, nothing. Our Irish identities were destroyed, and then we were inserted into British families.

I was spliced into the identity of a deceased child of a charmless one-parent British family. Pretty sick stuff. Money changed hands. Which made it all the more illegal.

The "adoptions" were totally criminal under Irish law. They were, in fact, abductions. Made all the worse by the deceit in trying to crush my real identity and even more importantly my Roman Catholic faith. The Orphanage was run by a child welfare "charity" of the Anglican Church, which was completely complicit. That over-educated fool exposed in another message has been child trafficking for decades.
You also mentioned that you were sent to the bedlam in 2010 by the Windsors for exposing them . Please elaborate on this more . It sounds a bit lofty and fantastic .
I don't know what else there is to say. I've still got some loony-bin paperwork with the Palace's fingerprints on it. The Windsors have a special unit for handling the "sectioning" of people who annoy them (e.g. by exposing the Firm's heroin trafficking). It's a privately run and privately funded unit, iirc.

EDIT: Just checked. Can't immediately find that particular piece of "sectioning" paperwork which explicitly names the Windsors being behind my detention at "Norbury Unit", St George's Hospital, Stafford. I'll keep looking for it. Though, the psychiatric operatives did find it unusual that the Windsors had ordered my detention. "Never seen one of these before", chuckled a senior head-shrink "nurse", and he briefly showed me the correspondence from the Windsors' unit. That unit is based in London, iirc, and orders the (unlawful) detention of some 300 people a year, I learned later.

Pretty much nothing was done lawfully in St George's "Hospital" Stafford (chief executive Neil Carr: formal apology still awaited, Mr Carr). I was detained there for several days before receiving any statutory paperwork - no grounds for detention given, no duration of detention, etc. By law, I was also required to be given details of those authorising my detention and the legal avenues for revoking that order, access to a brief, etc. Yet none of that was done. There literally was no paperwork. The unit was run from the top-down by criminals.

One of the psychiatric operatives was even stealing my food from my barren little room! Later he cursed another inmate until he was bed-ridden. He then stole his takeway food from him too, and encouraged the rest of us to share in his thievery. A female psych-operative walked luridly around the locked unit, with her breasts half-exposed. "Beware of her! Honeytrap!" warned another inmate! Any reciprocal advancement was recorded as predatory, he cautioned.

Before even being examined by a single doctor, I was declared "mentally ill". A gang of psychiatric grunts (none of them a qualified doctor) crowded my cell. They told that I was going to be drugged with neuroleptics - a powerful (and dangerous) group of sedatives known also as "major tranquilisers". Under threat that if I refused to be drugged orally, they said they were ordered to use force to inject me with neuroleptics from a hypodermic needle.

The head-shrink who only surfaced some days after my detention was a hulk of a man, a British Asian. He called himself "Dr S". He wouldn't give me any more details about himself than that. I asked his first name, but he outright refused to give it. "Dr S will do". Another male psych-operative, also of Asian descent, claimed that, like me, he had lost a loved one - an uncle he said - in the Troubles - to an "IRA" car bomb on a British Army base, he reckoned. He was a piss-poor liar.

Referring to child trafficking operations I want to attract your attention to Chinese city of Canton and its Shamian Island where American Consulate is located ( almost next door to the Polish one ) . When I first arrived in this particular place I was shocked by the amount of American couples carrying Chinese toddlers around . 

It turned out that the luxurious hotel White Swan ( the same one Kim Dzong Ill allegedly kept on choosing when travelling to Canton/Guangzhou ) was and most certainly still is used as a base for the gigantic operation that results in over 50 thousand adopcies a year .

Thank you for the info. All new to me.

P.S. Just wanted to add a big thank you to everyone for your kind words :)

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