Thursday 29 November 2012

The Windsors had me jailed in September 2010 in two secure mental hospitals for confronting them over their 150 year control of the drug trade which is ongoing today. Viz the opium-growing and heroin production in Afghanistan, their dirty money laundering through the HongShang (HSBC) and the Queen of England's personal laundromat for drug money, the "Quantum Fund". A dirty money hole managed by George Soros, off-shored to the Dutch Antilles. A domicile under the control of Elizabeth's drug-trafficking cousin, Queen Beatrix, the spawn of card-carrying NAZI and Bilderberg founder, "Prince" Bernhardt.

There have been many drug-related deaths in this vicinity, with the Windsors' fingerprints all over them. One in which the killer admitted his guilt to my best friend. After an argument, he injected someone (a non-heroin user in his mid-30s) with a massive dose of heroin while he was asleep. The man was found dead the next morning by a 14 year old boy. I wrote to "Queen Elizabeth" demanding her abdication and jailing because of her leading role in creating this misery from the drug trade. She and her slithery flunkies - a compromised "psychiatrist", his compromised colleague and a PSYOP'ing police surgeon, all based in Shrewsbury, England- had me locked up for 28 days. Was it something I said, Betty?

There's a good passage about the Iniquity of Kings in the Second Book of the Maccabees. Chapters 6 and 7. You won't find the Books in the "King James Version" of the Bible. The forebears of today's Windsors had the Maccabees airbrushed out. They really don't like us to read those words. Why ever not?!

1 comment:

  1. Hi i am Michelle Howe Murphy,Jonathan Murphy's Child i would like to know more about this here is my e-mail
    love you
    Your loving and caring neice
